Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Albert Camus and the Libertarians

Many of the the writings of Albert Camus were framed by a dialogue with anarchism - notably The Rebel, and shorter works such as the early essay on the poet Jehan Rictus, "Jehan Rictus: the poet of poverty" and the anti-cold war statement Neither Victims Nor Executioners. He worked closely with anarchists, revolutionary syndicalists and anti-authoritarian Marxists, supporting conscientious objectors and Spanish anti-fascists. Now a long term project to publish his anarchist and libertarian writings, with the support of his daughter Catherine has reached completion with the publication in French of Albert Camus et les libertaires : écrits présentés par Lou Marin.
Marseille: Egrégores, 2008. 361 pages. € 15.
ISBN: 978-2-9523819-4-9

Égrégores Editions 7, boulevard de la Liberté, 13001 Marseille, France