Friday, July 06, 2007

In Print......

Reluctant Capitalists: Bookselling and the Culture of Consumption by Laura Miller.
University of Chicago Press, 2007.
"Over the past half-century, bookselling, like many retail industries, has evolved from an arena dominated by independent bookstores to one in which chain stores have significant market share. And as in other areas of retail, this transformation has often been a less-than-smooth process." In Reluctant Capitalists, Miller demonstrates that the independent vs. chain store dynamic is not entirely new. "It began one hundred years ago when department stores began selling books, continued through the 1960s with the emergence of national chain stores, and exploded with the formation of “superstores” in the 1990s. The advent of the Internet has further spurred tremendous changes in how booksellers approach their business. All of these changes have met resistance from book professionals and readers who believe that the book business should somehow be “above” market forces and instead embrace more noble priorities."

Poetry and Commitment by Adrienne Rich
W.W. Norton, 2007
"I hope never to idealize poetry—it has suffered enough from that. Poetry is not a healing lotion, an emotional massage, a kind of linguistic aromatherapy. Neither is it a blueprint, nor an instruction manual, nor a billboard."

Revolutionary Letters by Diane di Prima
Last Gasp 2007
A new edition of Beat poet Diane di Prima's classic Revolutionary Letters, with some additional new works and some re-edited earlier works.

Anarchist Studies, Vol 15, 1 (May 2007)
This issue, "guest edited" by Ruth Kinna, includes Uri Gordon on Israeli Anarchism, Dana M. Williams with an anarchist evaluation on the use of Native Americans as sports nicknames, logos and mascots; Daniel Colson on Belief, anarchism and modernity and Pablo M. Perez, Juan Manuel and Hernan Villasenin on the Cultural practice of Argentinian anarchism.